Start » Filter Reference » Computer Vision » Image Segmentation » SegmentImage_Edges


Module: FoundationPro

Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.


Detection of objects of undefined shape, but characterized by good contrast to the background and fairly uniform internal brightness.
Name Type Range Description
Input value
inImage Image Image from which blobs are extracted
Input value
inRoi Region* Range of pixels to be processed
Input value
inFrameSize Integer 0 - How many pixels from the region border are excluded from the results
Input value
inStdDev Real 0.0 - Amount of smoothing used by the edge filter
Input value
inEdgeThreshold Real 0.0 - Sufficient edge strength; edges of that strength will always be detected
Input value
inEdgeHysteresis Real 0.0 - Value by which the edge threshold is decreased for edge points neighboring with sufficiently strong edges
Input value
inMaxJoiningDistance Real 0.0 - Maximal distance between edges that can be joined
Input value
inMinArea Integer 0 - Minimal area of a detected blob
Input value
inMaxArea Integer* 0 - Maximal area of a detected blob
Input value
inComputeNestingLevels Bool Flag indicating whether nesting levels should be computed
Input value
inEdgeClosing Integer 0 - Radius of enclosing small holes in the detected blobs
Output value
outBlobs RegionArray Blobs extracted from the input image
Output value
outNestingLevels IntegerArray Nesting level of each extracted blob
Diagnostic input
diagEdgeRegion Region Region of the found edges


SegmentImage_Edges performed on an image of labels; default parameters.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of SegmentImage filter group.