Start » Filter Reference » Image » Image Thresholding » ThresholdToRegion_RGB


Module: FoundationBasic

Creates a region containing image pixels which belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.


Multi-channel thresholding.
Name Type Range Description
Input value
inRgbImage Image Input image, usually in the RGB color space
Input value
inRoi Region* Region of interest
Input value
inMinRed Integer* 0 - 255 Minimum for the first pixel component, usually Red (Auto = -INF)
Input value
inMaxRed Integer* 0 - 255 Maximum for the first pixel component, usually Red (Auto = +INF)
Input value
inMinGreen Integer* 0 - 255 Minimum for the second pixel component, usually Green (Auto = -INF)
Input value
inMaxGreen Integer* 0 - 255 Maximum for the second pixel component, usually Green (Auto = +INF)
Input value
inMinBlue Integer* 0 - 255 Minimum for the third pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = -INF)
Input value
inMaxBlue Integer* 0 - 255 Maximum for the third pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = +INF)
Input value
inMinAlpha Integer* 0 - 255 Minimum for the fourth pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = -INF)
Input value
inMaxAlpha Integer* 0 - 255 Maximum for the fourth pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = +INF)
Output value
outRegion Region Output region


For input inRgbImage only pixel formats are supported: 3⨯uint8, 4⨯uint8.

Read more about pixel formats in Image documentation.


The operation is a cousin of ThresholdImage_RGB yet it computes a region instead of an image. The three-channel inRgbImage is considered to be encoded using RGB color representation. The resulting region contains only those pixels of the input image, which meets all of the following conditions:

  • Intensity of the "red" channel is in range (inMinRed, inMaxRed).
  • Intensity of the "green" channel is in range (inMinGreen, inMaxGreen).
  • Intensity of the "blue" channel is in range (inMinBlue, inMaxBlue).

If any of the parameters inMinRed, inMinGreen, inMinBlue is not set, it is assumed to be -infinity.

If any of the parameters inMaxRed, inMaxGreen, inMaxBlue is not set, it is assumed to be infinity.


ThresholdToRegion_RGB performed on the sample image with inMinRed = 120.0, inMaxGreen = 100.0, inMaxBlue = 100.0.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation is optimized for SSE41 technology for pixels of type: UINT8.

This operation is optimized for NEON technology for pixels of type: UINT8.

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Not an 8-bit image in ThresholdToRegion_RGB.
DomainError Region exceeds an input image in ThresholdToRegion_RGB.
DomainError Unsupported image depth in ThresholdToRegion_RGB.
DomainError Not supported inRgbImage pixel format in ThresholdToRegion_RGB. Supported formats: 3xUInt8, 4xUInt8.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of ThresholdToRegion filter group.

See Also

  • ThresholdImage_RGB – Transforms each pixel value to minimum or maximum depending on whether it belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.