Start » Filter Reference » Computer Vision » Optical Character Recognition » ExtractText2


Module: OCR

Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting text elements to single characters.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inImage Image An input image with text
Input value
inRoi Rectangle2D Location of the text
Input value
inRoiAlignment CoordinateSystem2D Adjusts the region of interest to the position of the inspected object
Input value
inPolarity Polarity Text polarity
Input value
inCharWidth Integer 5 - 200 Width of a single character in pixels
Input value
inStrokeWidth Integer* 1 - 50 Width of the stroke of the letters in pixels
Input value
inMinWordGap Integer* 1 - 200 Width of the smallest gap between letters that is to be treated as a space in pixels
Output value
outCharacters RegionArray Regions representing individual characters aligned to the ROI
Diagnostic input
diagAlignedCharacters RegionArray Regions representing individual characters aligned to the Image


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError inPolarity must be specified as Dark or Bright in ExtractText2.
DomainError inRoi is to narrow to fit a single character in ExtractText2.
DomainError It is impossible for inStrokeWidth to be greater than inCharWidth in ExtractText2.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.