Start » Filter Reference » Computer Vision » Optical Character Recognition » GroupRegionsByLines


Module: OCR

Splits an array of blobs by distance to computed base lines.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inRegions RegionArray Input regions (parts of characters)
Input value
inRoi Rectangle2D Range of character classification
Input value
inRoiAlignment CoordinateSystem2D*
Input value
inLinesCount Integer 0 - ROI is divided into inLinesCount lines
Input value
inLineWidth Real 0.0 - Value of line range used if inRemoveOutliers is set to TRUE
Input value
inRemoveOutliers Bool If this flag is set blobs with distance greater than inLineWidth are removed.
Output value
outLines RegionArrayArray Lines in single Array
Output value
outLine0 RegionArray
Output value
outLine1 RegionArray
Output value
outLine2 RegionArray
Output value
outLine3 RegionArray
Output value
outAlignedRoi Rectangle2D
Diagnostic input
diagLines Segment2DArray Segments which indicates the position of lines
Diagnostic input
diagLineRanges Rectangle2DArray Rectangles represents range of lines which are included if inRemoveOutliers is set
Diagnostic input
diagRegionPoints Point2DArray Point which indicates region position


As you can see in the below picture, the filter's task is to divide the input region into several sub-regions by its placement in a line. As a result, each line represents a separate region.

Exemplary result of the filter's usage.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.