Start » Filter Reference » Region » Region Spatial Transforms » CropRegionToQuadrangle


Module: FoundationPro

Creates a region from a quadrangular fragment of another one. The quadrangle must be convex.

Name Type Description
Input value
inRegion Region Input region
Input value
inQuadrangle Path A convex quadrangle defining a region to be cropped (points must be clockwise)
Input value
inOutputSize Size* Width and height of the output region
Input value
inQuadrangleAlignment CoordinateSystem2D* Adjusts the quadrangle to the position of the inspected object
Output value
outRegion Region Output region
Output value
outAlignedShape Path The input quadrangle after transformation (in the region coordinates)


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Path given as an argument to CropRegionToQuadrangle is not closed.
DomainError Path given as an argument to CropRegionToQuadrangle should have exactly 4 points.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of CropRegion filter group.