Start » Filter Reference » Surface » Surface Features » SurfaceSinglePointsAlongAxis


Module: Vision3DStandard

Returns single array of surface points along X or Y axis.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inSurface Surface Input surface
Input value
inSurface2 Surface* Optional second input surface
Input value
inAxis Axis Axis along which the points are extracted
Input value
inCoordinateValue Double Determines the coordinate the points will be extracted from
Input value
inSmoothRadius Integer 0 - Increases the number of neighbouring points taken into account
Input value
inMinOutputCoordinate Double* Minimal second coordinate of the output points
Input value
inMaxOutputCoordinate Double* Maximal second coordinate of the output points
Input value
inMaxInterpolationLength Integer* 0 - Maximal number of consecutive not existing points to be interpolated
Output value
outPoints Point3DArray The resulting surface points
Output value
outCoordinateValue Double The coordinate the output points were extracted from

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of SurfacePointsAlongAxis filter group.