Start » Filter Reference » Computer Vision » Camera Calibration » RectifyImage


Module: Calibration

Applies a spatial map to distorted image transforming it to rectified image defined in world coordinates.

Name Type Description
Input value
inImage Image Input image
Input value
inRectificationMap RectificationMap The spatial map with associated data for world coordinates calculation on rectified image. Designed to be set with calibration GUI.
Output value
outImage Image Remapped image.
Output value
outRectifiedTransform Matrix For convenient calculation of world coordinates on rectified image. Connects directly to Image...ToWorldPlane and WorldPlane...ToImage filters. The transformation is only translation + scaling.
Output value
outWorldOrigin Point2D Position of world origin on the rectified image.
Output value
outWorldScale Real [pix / world unit] World scale of the rectified image.
Output value
outWorldScaleInv Real [world unit / pix] Inverse of outWorldScale. Connects directly to inResolution input of filters such as PointToPointDistance.


Uses a RectificationMap computed by CreateRectificationMap* filters (such as CreateRectificationMap_PixelUnits or CreateRectificationMap_WorldUnits) for image rectification onto a defined world plane. Point locations on rectified images are related to the world plane only by translation and scaling.

Auxiliary outputs outWorldOrigin and outWorldScale fully describe the relation of rectified image to world plane. For convenience the outRectifiedTransform output is provided, which describes the same relation, however it can be directly connected to the ImagePointsToWorldPlane filter family to obtain world coordinates of points detected on the remapped (rectified) image.


Description of usage of this filter can be found in examples and tutorial: Calibration World Coordinates With Remapped Images, Hand-Eye Calibration - Editor, Hand-Eye Calibration - On Filters, Image Stitching.

Left: original image, as captured by a camera, with mild lens distortion present. Right: rectified image with annotated length measurement.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also

  • RemapImage – Applies a precomputed image transform, defined by a spatial map object.