Start » Filter Reference » Image » Image Combinators » ComposeImages


Module: FoundationLite

Takes pixels from the first image within the specified region and from the other one elsewhere.

Name Type Description
Input value
inImage1 Image First source of pixels marked in inRegion
Input value
inImage2 Image Background image
Input value
inRegion Region Region which describes which pixels should be taken from inImage1
Input value
inRoi Region* Region in which pixels should be processed otherwise black pixels are placed
Output value
outImage Image Image composed of tho input images


The operation computes the composition of two images. Each outImage pixel is equal to the corresponding pixel of inImage1 iff its location lies inside the inRegion; otherwise the pixel is equal to the corresponding pixel of the inImage2.

The operation requires that the images being processed have equal format and dimensions, otherwise an error with appropriate description occurs. To obtain an image of desired dimensions one can use ResizeImage or CropImage filter. To alter the pixel type of an image one can use ConvertPixelType filter. ConvertToMultichannel and AverageChannels filters allow to alter the number of image channels.


Example inImage1 and inImage2.

Example inRegion and the result of ComposeImages


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Image formats are not the same in ComposeImages.
DomainError Image sizes are not equal in ComposeImages.
DomainError Input region exceeds an input image in ComposeImages.
DomainError Input ROI exceeds an input image in ComposeImages.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also

  • JoinImages – Creates a single image by glueing together the two input images in horizontal or vertical direction.
  • DrawGridImage – Draws an image as a tile on an image considered to be a grid of tiles.