Start » Filter Reference » Surface » Surface Basics » ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane


Module: Vision3DStandard

Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inSurface Surface
Input value
inAxesPlaneType PlaneType
Input value
inOutputXScale Double*
Input value
inOutputXLimits ValueLimits_f64
Input value
inOutputYScale Double*
Input value
inOutputYLimits ValueLimits_f64
Input value
inOutputZOffset Double
Input value
inOutputZScale Double*
Input value
inOutputZLimits ValueLimits_f64
Input value
inPointType PlainType Type of single point Z coordinate
Input value
inMultipointHeight SurfaceMultipointHeight Determines the Z coordinate of a surface point created from more than one point
Output value
outSurface Surface
Output value
outMinOutputX Double
Output value
outMinOutputY Double
Diagnostic input
diagSurfaceValidPointsRegion Region Region of locations where the surface points are valid

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.