Start » Filter Reference » Surface » Surface Fitting » FitCircleToSurfaceHole


Module: Vision3DStandard

Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inSurface Surface Input surface
Input value
inRoi Region* Region of interest
Input value
inPlaneOutlierSuppression MEstimator Selects a method for ignoring points not lying on the fitted plane
Input value
inClippingFactor Real 0.675 - 6.0 Multitude of standard deviation within which points are considered inliers
Input value
inIterationCount Integer 0 - Number of iterations of outlier suppressing algorithm
Input value
inInitialPlane Plane3D* Initial approximation of a plane (if available)
Input value
inCircleFittingMethod CircleFittingMethod Select a method for fitting a circle to a set of points
Input value
inCircleOutlierSuppression MEstimator* Selects a method for ignoring points not lying on the fitted circle
Output value
outCircle3D Circle3D? Circle fitted to a surface hole
Output value
outPlane Plane3D Plane fitted to the surface points
Output value
outInliers Point3DArray Points matching the computed plane
Output value
outDistances RealArray Distances of the input surface points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSignedDistanceSum Real Sum of signed distances of the input surface points to a resulting plane
Output value
outDistanceSum Real Sum of distances of the input surface points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSquaredDistances RealArray Squared distances of the input surface points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSquaredDistanceSum Real Sum of squared distances of the input surface points to a resulting plane


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Region of interest exceeds an input surface in FitCircleToSurfaceHole.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.